Igor Miller

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."

Adventszeit und der Weihnachtsmarkt


December has come and so have the Christmas markets and Advent. At this time, people decorate their houses, go shopping at the markets, and make traditional Christmas food.

You’ll see them later, but first, let’s go rock climbing!


Here is the entrance to the Weihnachtsmarkt at the Kölner Altstadt.

Let’s go in and look around!

IMG_4052After entering and shoving through the crowd, we will see some of the shops on the left.

IMG_4059This shop was very interesting. It was the scene of the Birth of Jesus and Christmas ornaments.

Let’s continue on….

IMG_4058Everyone is getting ready for Christmas. In front of us, you can see a family discussing  what to buy at the Nutcracker Stand.

You getting hungry yet? There is a very yummy smell in the air. Let’s make our way through the center of the Weihnachtsmarkt and see where it is coming from!

IMG_4060Look at all these people! And in the trees, the decorations, they are so bright.

What is that on the roof? Let’s move closer and see what is there.

IMG_4067Look! It’s all covered in moss. Just the perfect Christmas touch to it.

IMG_4074Here we are in the center! Let’s find where the smell is coming from.

IMG_4068There’s the dome at our right! Take a look and see if you can tell what time it is.

IMG_4076Hmm. I don’t see the food anywhere, but I do see a carousel full of laughing kids, with their parents.

IMG_4072Maybe here? No, just some reindeer and elves.

IMG_4034Not here either? That’s just the Christmas tree.

Look! There it is!

Copyright www.igorcbyx.wordpress.com 2013We found the Reibekuchen! Reibekuchen are little ‘cakes’ made of grated potatoes, fried in oil, and served hot with applesauce. I didn’t take a photo, because I was busy eating. Did I tell you that they tasted amazing?

Let’s go burn some of those calories off and have some fun.

IMG_4078Grab some shoes and get on the ice! We are going ice skating!

IMG_4050Still not tired? Grab your friends and go play some soccer near the center of the Köln Cathedral, right outside the Hauptbahnhof.

Now that we are all exhausted, let’s go home and light some candles. What’s that on the street? What does it say?

IMG_4080Merry Christmas!

IMG_3989Let’s light the first candle. it’s Adventszeit, you know? Every Sunday we light a candle, up until Heiligen Abend, the night before Christmas.

I’m happy I could give you the tour today. Let me know and share with others if you enjoyed it!

Have a great day and Take Care,

Your tour guide,


Author: Igor Miller

A passionate hotelier with a love for adventure, hospitality, experiencing cultures and people.

3 thoughts on “Adventszeit und der Weihnachtsmarkt

  1. Ach du Scheiße, I miss the Weihnachtsmärkte so much! Just so you know, I’m getting extremely nostalgic reading your posts. Have fun and savor every moment!

  2. Pingback: Kölner Weihnachtsmarkt-Wunder

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